Quarry Hill Teams - 2020

2 Jul 2020 by Nekti Tzouroutis

Good Evening All

Last night saw our first successful training session for 2020. A very big thanks and well done to all of the children and parents for ensuring a seamless process and adhering to the new rules amid the new conditions.

We have now reviewed all registrations and are able to announce we have three teams to participate in the 2020 season. Due to the numbers and the age groups of the children we have allocated two Under 12 teams an Under 12As and an Under 12Ds along with a combined 9s and 10s which will compete in the Under 10s competition. (Please see table below)

This year also requires a number of official roles to be fulfilled by parent/guardian volunteers from the club. The preference due to the environment is that we maintain the same volunteers in these official roles for the length of the season as best we can, however we understand there may be times when people may be unavailable . Thank you to those who have already volunteered but should you wish to nominate for any of the vacant roles highlighted in yellow in the below table please respond to Lauren Kilcullen skilcul@bigpond.net.au or Justine Minne Justine.minmne@bendigoadelaide.com.au as soon as possible.

Here is to a terrific season.

Go Dees!!

Nekti Tzouroutis and the Quarry Hill Junior Committee

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